The School of Hard Rocks shares a lot of information on our blogs.
In 2011 we introduced "The Auditorium", sharing our work on rocks, rock music, rock tumbling and rock tumbling machines and just about anything else that has our attention for a while.
B.R.A.I.N. will maintain its focus on innovation and research from all around the globe.
The SOHR Page 2 blog that detailed our early exploratory work on rocks, rock tumbling and rock tumbling machines was retired in March 2012.
Hope you enjoy.
Feedback is always appreciated.
The Auditorium :: The latest on rocks, rock music, rock tumbling techniques and machines.
B.R.A.I.N. - The Byers Research And Innovation Network :: See the bleeding edge, follow deep exploration, preview next year's hot items or even what will be hot next decade.
The early work on rocks and rock tumblers at the SOHR that was reported in posts on the Page 2 blog has been incorporated into the pages and articles on the School Of Hard Rocks website and the Hard Rock Quarry website. If you think there is something we missed, please contact us.
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